Life is an Adventure Op2

I’ve set my deadline for this as today. So here it is… ”LIFE IS AN ADVENTURE Op2” is a composition created by twitter feed. I was on a morning train commuting. I could hear the sound of a lady yawning, turning the pages of a free magazine heartlessly, squeaky train noise, happy lovers chatting, music leaking from headphones… All noise creates the atmosphere. An atmosphere … Continue reading Life is an Adventure Op2

Twitter integrated music video “Life is an Adventure”

Both the music and the video for “Life is an Adventure” was created  influenced by Patti Smith’s quote, “Life is an adventure of our own design, intersected by fate in a series of lucky and unlucky accidents.” So I wondered about creating a code to calculate it’s own adventure, using the number of characters and number of followers from twitter’s feed, using the 3 keywords … Continue reading Twitter integrated music video “Life is an Adventure”